What Is a Concussion and How Is It Treated?

Memorial Heights Emergency Center
2 min readJun 30, 2021


Have you been injured during a fall or suffered a blow to the head that made you feel as though your brain shook? If you have experienced this, you must have had a concussion, and you need to go to a concussion ER or Urgent Care. Concussions occur all the time, and that’s why millions seek concussion care in the ER.

Mostly, concussions aren’t life-threatening, and the symptoms such as headaches or even poor coordination are short-lived. But, there are times when you may need to come to our emergency room for a head injury.

What Is a Concussion?

A concussion should not be confused with a contusion. A concussion can be described as a mild traumatic brain injury caused by an abrupt blow to the head, which causes the brain to shake back and forth or side to side. On the other hand, contusions are bruises and are less severe than concussions.

Does a Concussion Require Emergency Care?

Yes, it does! Although concussions can be referred to as mild, they can actually be life-threatening. In addition, you can also be at risk of developing post-concussion syndrome. The symptoms of post-concussion syndrome may appear within the first ten days after the accident.

Post-Concussion Syndrome: When to Go to the ER

If you notice that you have the following symptoms after an accident, then you need concussion emergency treatment:

· Persistent headaches

· Nausea

· Ringing in the ears

· Blurry vision

· Slurred speech, decreased coordination, numbness

· Unusual behavior

· Confusion

· Drowsiness

How Is It Treated?

When you come to our emergency room for a head injury, you will be examined. After getting the results, you will receive proper care. You may be given pain medication if the condition is not severe. Surgery or any other medical procedure will be performed if you are bleeding in the brain or your brain is swollen.

Therefore, contact us at Memorial Heights Emergency Center for concussion emergency treatment.



Memorial Heights Emergency Center

Memorial Heights Emergency Center is a free-standing 24-hour emergency room equipped to handle any emergency medical situation. Mhehc.com